Friday, July 15, 2016

a4 paper flower

These A4 paper flowers are attractive alternative to fresh flowers in decorating parties, weddings, events or simply just to brighten up a room at any time of the day. a4...
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

leaf animals

When the weather is changing and summer seems to really be behind us now, is still a great opportunity for your kids to be outside and get some fresh air. If they’re needing some inspiration, why...
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Monday, July 4, 2016

alphabet button craft ideas

These alphabet button craft ideas are so cute and perfect and your kid will love them. And it's the easiest way to make unique decorative button letters is to buy them at a store, and  decorate...
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

bottle plastic craft

Bottle plastic craft is a great project for kids, even younger ones. These adorable and colorful tropical fish are easy to make and the project requires very few supplies. bottle plastic craft...
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Monday, August 10, 2015

painted leaves design ideas

Painted leaves is an ecofriendly and cheap craft for kids and adults. With your imagination and creativity you can turn ordinary fall leaves into a beautiful craft which can use as a gift or home decoration....
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Sunday, August 9, 2015

handmade card with simple animal quilled

These are totally a handmade card, you can present quilled card to your family & friends, at any occassion. It's will look different from card which you buy on store because every card is made by...
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Saturday, August 8, 2015

funny animal pumpkin without carving

So far we usually use pumpkins as decoration houses with carved way, but in fact we can make a cute and unique creations of pumpkin without carving. It  would be very easy for us who do not have...
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